Saturday, April 21, 2012

I took a great class in college and learned that the description of an introvert is a little different than I thought. What she told us was that an introvert can love being around people and enjoy social events, however it takes a great deal of energy. An extrovert gains their energy doing these things. Now I understand why spending time alone makes me feel so good and so energized. It all makes sense now! haha 

My husband and I are alike in many different ways but in the areas we are different - we are actually quite opposite. Somehow it works though. I wrote this quick little poem sitting in class (when I should have been listening to the instructor).


I plant myself like I always do
In the corner next to someone I know
You make sure I am cozy and safe
Then you’re off, there you go

I smile at you and you smile back
From across the room when our eyes meet
What is easy for you to visit with all
For me would be such a feat

Alone on a chair by the ocean blue
Feeling the breeze with my eyes closed
Sitting still for you is not easy
But you do it for me, you are not opposed

What gives you strength makes me tired
Somehow it balances out, I don’t ask why
I do know that I am glad you are with me
I am the wallflower and you are the butterfly

Now I let my roots grow a bit
But I know I can be me too
That’s how the combination works so well
Me and beautiful, social you

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