Saturday, March 31, 2012

Brain Injury Walk for Thought

In 1996 my brother was in a rollover automobile accident and sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury.  He was 20 years old at the time and studying to be an air traffic controller in the US Marines in Yuma, Arizona.  Erich spent about one year in the hospital in a coma, he slowly awakened and learned how to walk, talk and eat all over again. He is truly a miracle. Throughout his recovery Erich has maintained his sense of humor and his artistic abilities. He paints and draws and has even been highlighted at art shows in Reno and sold several pieces of art.  He has very typical effects of a brain injury: limited physical mobility, short-term memory problems and the lack of a filter when speaking or acting at times (which can sometimes be entertaining but also get him in trouble). He has lived with my parents since he was released from the hospital and recently moved with my mom to Roseville, California. 

Recently I realized that quite a bit of my time, thoughts and stress has been revolved around my other brother and reacting to the issues he has been dealing with. I have been focusing a lot of negative attention which when I think about it has been happening a lot the past couple of years. So…I decided to be proactive and take a day to put positive attention on my brother Erich and honor him and all that he’s been through.  My mom and aunt came in from out of town and seven of us spent the morning in the rain getting information and resources that could benefit him and my mom.  Erich had a great time grooving to the music! 

Next year we plan to do the walk again. I already told Erich to start working on a logo and I will create t-shirts for Team Erich 2013. Can’t wait!

Special thanks to my husband Tom, mom Josette, aunt Tricia, daughter Kim, son Max and especially my little brother Erich for being here today!!!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Poetry - California Sunset

My husband Tom and I spent the night in Carmel recently and I took photos of the beautiful sunset. The photo below is my favorite. I must stick my toes in the sand at least once each month or I just don't feel right. Hope you enjoy.

California Sunset

The rippled and mirrored glass see reflects the sun in its orange and pink glory
Barefoot lovers huddle close under blankets awaiting the magic of the sun lowering into the abyss
Blue waves diminish into small layers of foaming salt water gently crashing upon the shore
Mist sprays the Cypress trees and kisses the faces of onlookers gathered in awe
Closed eyes strengthen other senses and I hear the birds and the sound of sand sliding
I feel so small facing such a big beautiful monster
The sun and warmth disappear and the beach is deserted except for a few who brave the cold to linger.
I am centered. I know where I come from. Breathe in. breathe out.
Love is possible, beauty is everywhere waiting to be discovered, and a new day begins.

Poetry - Fantasy Baseball

I was driving back to work from lunch recently and saw a homeless woman on the street enjoying her own game of fantasy baseball...

Fantasy Baseball

Singing in my car, waiting on a traffic light
I see a homeless woman pushing a grocery cart filled with her life
Torn pants that stop just under her knee
Resting above layers of holy socks pulled up as high as they can stretch
Dirty sweater pulled over mismatched rag of another sweater
Rain poncho fashioned from a black trash bag with strategic holes for her arms
My eyes widen as I watch her begin to dance in the rain
Sun-ravaged face aged well beyond her years
Old combat boots that suddenly move like light ballerina slippers
She dances, leaping and twirling on her toes
Stopping for a moment to take aim she transforms into a ballplayer
and throws an imaginary baseball into the outfield!
Kicking up her back leg she keeps her balance
The twirling starts again as she warms up for the next play by wildly swinging her arms
This time she is at home plate, readying her invisible bat
She hunches her suddenly nimble body down and expression is serious
The imaginary pitch comes and BOOM!
She swings and it’s a hit!
She holds her hands above her eyes to see how far the ball has traveled
She smiles for a moment, turns and continues pushing her cart down the sidewalk
The traffic light turns green and we both move on.